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Kaelyn Turner
Nov 3, 20208 min read
Good, grief Charlie Brown.
Ah, nostalgia - a dying joy in 2020.
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Kaelyn Turner
Oct 17, 202015 min read
COVID 19 Update
Well Helllooo. Did you know that COVID is still a thing? It is. Earlier this summer, I attended an online CE (Continuing Education)...
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Kaelyn Turner
Oct 7, 20208 min read
I got riiiice cookin' in the microwave... a three day beard I don't plan to shave.. Lighten up, would ya? I will. That last one was a bit touchy, I'd say. Vaccines are...
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Kaelyn Turner
Sep 24, 202012 min read
'tis the season when we argue, falalalala la la la laaa!
...those minor colds and things actually make you stronger...
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.." -Kelly Clarkson
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Kaelyn Turner
Sep 11, 20209 min read
How much can't can a white girl can't if a white girl literally could not even?
Why am I writing about shots? Because you are being robbed.
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Kaelyn Turner
Sep 4, 202011 min read
LaCroix isn't actually gross. It's just your brain.
These scientists birthed some more genetically modified rats. GMO rats. Yum.
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Kaelyn Turner
Aug 28, 202011 min read
East bound and down.
Name a more accurate love|hate. I'll wait...
R U N N I N G.
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Kaelyn Turner
Aug 23, 20208 min read
TMI. Season 1 Episode 1: 2020.
But here I am, one more hair ball, clogging up the drain. Happy to be here!
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Kaelyn Turner
Aug 19, 20207 min read
That's why there's corn in your poop.
Cauliflower. Is a carb? Yes, and it may hate you. You already know if it hates you if you have bubble gut every time you eat it.
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Kaelyn Turner
Aug 18, 20205 min read
Ew, meditation?
You aren't always dressed in all white, sitting in easy pose on a beach rock in Mexico, although... how much are plane tickets right now?
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