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Kaelyn Turner
Oct 19, 202122 min read
This is how you come up with names that you will NEVER give your children.
I don't do Rx Bars... because my teeth (and skin) are ratchet as Hell middle of the mall quality but very expensive price.
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Kaelyn Turner
Aug 10, 202110 min read
However you pour the sand in your holes.
This blog is about one of my regular, tried-and-true soap boxes, and is also the elaboration of one of my signature one-liner life mottos!
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Kaelyn Turner
Jul 18, 20218 min read
But did you die? Part 2.
Bugs & Drugs. Matching drugs to bugs. A grand, tall soap box.
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Kaelyn Turner
Jun 9, 20217 min read
Welcome to the Jungle.
this list could never ever be all-inclusive, because you humans are innovative and creative and y'all come up with new stuff all the time...
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Kaelyn Turner
May 16, 202110 min read
But, did you die? Part 1.
Hi. My little dog Pepper pooped in my car this morning while I was driving her and her sister to their haircuts. Thanks to that and...
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Kaelyn Turner
Mar 3, 202111 min read
Back to regular programming.
You go to New Orleans for your bachelorette party or Mardi Gras and you're gonna be living first in that 6-7 zone...
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Kaelyn Turner
Feb 8, 20219 min read
Listen, we needed some greenery, but...
I use the term "rollercoaster" a lot, but this experience was a damn rollercoaster and a half and I even puked on it once.
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Kaelyn Turner
Dec 6, 20209 min read
I'm noticing a trend around here.
I feel like we're going to stop using B.C. and A.D. to record dates in history and start using A.C. - After Corona. We are in Year 0 A.C.
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Kaelyn Turner
Nov 13, 20208 min read
Winter is coming.
I can't let this week go by without putting out a blog!
Right? What would y'all do without it?
Y'all would be just fine, that's what.
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